Break and Bend [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
Break and Bend [M]
POSTED ON May 22, 2024 9:18:02 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
It was remarkable how much one Rocket Admin could complain.

"Man, this sucks. They should've sent someone more qualified. Maybe one of the Rocket Beasts." Howard complained as he leaned back in the driver seat of the car he and Alison were in. Howard took a bite of a ham and cheese sandwich wrapped in plastic. After a quick few chews and a swallow, Howard pointed out of the tinted windshield. "Here's the plan."

It was odd to think of Howard as anyone within Rocket, especially given the fashionista performer sitting in the passenger's seat next to him. In the admin's eye, she held herself to a far higher standard than Howard did for himself.

Oh well.

"Jewelry store." He waved his sandwich towards the store in question across the street. "Two guards inside. We get the goods and run out."

The admin unceremoniously brushed a few crumbs off of himself as he sat up. He turned to Alison with a raised eyebrow.

"Any questions?"

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Vaniville Town, Kalos
for rain
5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
We don't wanna face it, but we didn't make it
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Alison Everly
Break and Bend [M]
POSTED ON May 23, 2024 20:07:33 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
Alison’s face was one of disgust as she sat next to Howard in the stationary car on a bend in Mauville City. She had been silent for what felt like an eon, watching the half-eaten sandwich flail in his hand, small crumbs dusting her once spotless leather jeans, as he explained their mission. Her eyes flicked back and forth from the crumbs to his face, her gaze dragging up and down his complexion as her eyebrows furrowed harshly. Judgement evident on her face, his snide comment felt pale in comparison to what she was looking at.

He wanted a Rocket Beast? Join the club.

“Right,” she said, having barely listened to a word he had said. She peered over in the direction of the sandwich, the little light of the jewellery store making the rings in the window twinkle. Mm. Not a bad mission for a magpie like her. The diamonds looked enticing.

Zipping her jacket up, she fiddled with her hair and quickly reapplied her lipstick in the sun-visor mirror. Popping her lips, she then turned back to Howard.

“Three questions. One: am I allowed to keep any of the jewellery? Two: how are we getting past the guards? And three, please stop flinging that sandwich around. It looks awful and it's getting bloody everywhere!”
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played by


Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
Break and Bend [M]
POSTED ON May 24, 2024 4:55:17 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Good questions, those." Howard polished off the sandwich with the voracity of someone who hadn't eaten in two days. "You'll get something from this. Unlike most of my colleagues, I believe in rewarding good service."

The foil crumpling of a chip bag accompanied the admin's vow. The clapping of palms to dust away crumbs followed, and the sucking of fingers to savor the last vestiges of flavor convened the symphony of awkward sounds that Alison was forced to listen to.

That answered her third question.

"Sorry, I haven't eaten in four days. Ran out of money. This isn't even my sandwich." Howard gave Alison a look, his remaining eye gleaming with mischief. "Swiped it."

was going to kill him, but it was worth it. The Rocket Beast had incredible taste in sandwiches, and Howard was simply taking advantage of that.

"That's where you come in. You're a performer, right? Perform. Do a song and dance, distract them. In the meantime, I'll use the opportunity to sneak in and pilfer everything of value. If you're gonna wear leather jeans to a heist, might as well get your money's worth."

The admin pursed his lips in thought.

"Or we can kill them, I guess. Not really my style though."

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Vaniville Town, Kalos
for rain
5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
We don't wanna face it, but we didn't make it
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Alison Everly
Break and Bend [M]
POSTED ON May 26, 2024 19:03:46 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
With a nod, Alison leant back into her seat, satisfied with his response. At least she wouldn’t be risking her life without compensation. She might be able to get a nice pair of earrings out of this.

Feeling more or less prepared, she shifted her gaze from Howard as she desperately tried not to cringe at the sounds emanating from his direction. This truly was her worst nightmare, stuck in a car with a man who she felt probably didn't even know the last time he used hand soap. Somehow, the bodyguards waiting for them felt like child’s play compared to this.

With his last finger lick, Alison took a relieved breath.

Then he spoke again.

“That isn’t even– ?” Her voice quiet, she trailed off as she covered her mouth with her hands, disbelief and contempt painting her expression.

It’s just one mission. It’s just one mission.

She nodded at his suggestion, swallowing down a gag.

“I can do something like that. I’m not a popstar though, by the way; I don’t ”sing”. But I can perform. I can keep them distracted.”

Straining a smile, she finally turned her body towards him again.

“But I rather agree with your style. I would like killing to be a last resort, if possible.”

Desperate to get out of the crumb-filled car, she looked over at the target once more, sighing dramatically.

“Are we ready then?”
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played by


Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
Break and Bend [M]
POSTED ON May 28, 2024 5:29:57 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
They were. The doors to the car swung open as Howard stepped out, waiting for Alison to follow.

"Work your magic." He pointed at two guards meandering within the store, chatting casually. They were probably talking about the recent game or the newest deal on GrubbinHub or whatever the newest special at Applinbees was. The League had swiped all the competent trainers, and these guards were likely the dregs. "I'll do my job..."

A Claydol appeared next to the admin in a flash of red and white. Several ancient eyes blinked in strange and alien patterns that exuded ancient power.

"...you do yours." The admin winked as he disappeared through a Teleport. He was likely somewhere within the jewelry store, yet the broad glass windows and bright lights did not reveal the admin's location.

The two guards kept chatting.

"Yeah, I was thinking about enlisting with the rangers. The signing bonus is to die for."

"Nah, man. And get killed by one of the insane wizards Rocket has? I heard one survived a Hyper Beam at point blank!"

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played by


Vaniville Town, Kalos
for rain
5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
We don't wanna face it, but we didn't make it
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Alison Everly
Break and Bend [M]
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2024 12:32:13 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
Alison barely processes his words before he and his Claydol disappear into thin air. She pears over at the guards and with a final breathe steps outside the vehicle. As her boots click on the pavement, she throws two Poké Balls into the air, her Ninetales and Mismagius appearing.

“Okay, time for a little fun.”

Flicking her hair over her shoulder, she waltzes into the jewellers, trying her best not to get distracted as the jewellery glints and flickers in the corners of her vision. Stopping just inside the door with crossed arms, she clears her throat, interrupting the guards' conversation.

“Hey boys, sorry to intrude. I was wondering if you’d be able to help me – I was looking for a necklace that’ll look great in a performance I’m in, and it's proving difficult. Let me show you what I mean –“

Before they can respond, she whistles softly, and, with a flick of their tails, her Ninetales performs WILL-O-WISP, several purple orbs of fire dancing across the room above their heads. Her Mismagius then releases CONFUSE RAY, flashing lights emanating from their body and swirling around the orbs, creating little sparks that dim the lights and create tiny firework-like bursts across the ceiling. The jewels flicker and dance against the new light sources, Alison shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly as she watches their expressions.

“As you can see, the lighting becomes so dark, and I need something that’ll really sparkle. Any ideas?”

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played by


Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
Break and Bend [M]
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2024 7:45:06 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
The two guards gave Alison a look, and then marveled at the pretty lights. One guard's gaze lingered on the Rocket for a spell while Alison's light show lit up the shop.

"Can I have your nu-"

The other guard kicked his colleague in the shins.

"Sorry, miss. He's an idiot." The guard coughed into a gloved fist and gestured for Alison to follow him to a corner of the store with a collection of bright blue sapphires. The stones glittered with an internal light, not dissimilar to the Tera Crystals that plagued the region now. "These are pretty popular right now, they're part of our 'Wonders of Western Hoenn' series. Expensive, but the customers seem to like them."

"Even if we can't aff-" The guard was silenced with another kick to the shin.

Meanwhile, in the back of the store, Howard made out like a bandit.

"Can't believe jewelry stores still use the same security systems from the last decade. During wartime? Seriously?" Howard held a flashlight in his mouth as he tinkered with the weighted glass case. His mother had taught him well about the ins and outs of stores like this. She'd kill him for using his talents for this, but she wasn't here to judge. "Like... this."

The case popped off. Howard opened a velvet box and slid a large swath of jewelry inside.

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played by


Vaniville Town, Kalos
for rain
5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
We don't wanna face it, but we didn't make it
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TAG WITH @alison
Alison Everly
Break and Bend [M]
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2024 17:30:17 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
The flirtatious behaviour displayed by the guards was something that didn’t surprise Alison. She wouldn’t deny it felt nice – she did love being reminded of her beauty – but she had been betting on it since arriving. She wasn’t wearing leather jeans for nothing. And, just as planned, they were entranced. By the lights, mainly, but maybe the pants as well. Regardless, it would make everything a lot easier.

“Oh, that’s okay,” she said, her lips curving into a smile, “Show me what you have and… Maybe a number can be arranged.”

As she followed the guards to the corner of the store, she gave her Ninetales a look, raising her eyebrows quickly as a cue. Understanding her, he scampered to the back of the store, looking to slyly nab some jewellery in their fur out of sight of the guards. Her attention then turned back to guards and the glass case now before her. Alison’s eyes widened. Dozens of rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, all ordained with iridescent sapphires she knew had a price higher than she could ever afford. They were beautiful.

“‘Wonders of Western Hoenn’ you say… They’re definitely quite a wonder.”

Holding her hand out in front of her, she pulls a thoughtful expression, tilting her head to the side before turning to the guard closest to her. “You don’t suppose I could try some on?” Looking at them under her lashes, she pouts her lips to side sultrily. Distracting.



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